Newsletter Vaccine | November 2021 | Notícias
European Employment Practice – Newsletter – FAQs – Vaccination Ler Mais
Best Lawyers – Portugal 2022 | Notícias
Andersen in Portugal, José Mota Soares, Pedro Mota Soares and Tiago Ponces de Carvalho were nominated in the Best Lawyers list for Portugal 2022, in Labor and Employment Law, Litigation and Criminal Defense.
Defeitos nas Empreitadas de Construção Civil | Notícias
Esta segunda-feira o Associado da ANDERSEN Portugal Manuel Alexandre Henriques ministra um curso subordinado ao tema “Os Defeitos da Construção: Como Defender o Consumidor”.
Final countdown for the transposition of the Whistleblower Protection Directive | Notícias
The Portuguese legislator will have until next December 17 – about a month, therefore – to transpose into the national legal system Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 23, 2019 (“Directive”), relating to the protection of persons who report EU law breaches. The Directive’s main purpose is to define a set of common minimum standards that ensure effective protection of whistleblowers that in a professional context, in the public or private sectors, become aware of infractions or situations detrimental to the public interest.