The Andersen Criminal, Sanctions and Compliance comprehends a team of lawyers with a vast and solid accumulated experience in representing clients in highly complex punitive files, whether of a criminal or administrative nature, providing specialized and personalized legal advice.
In terms of Criminal Law, the team has an extensive experience in the legal counselling and representation of individuals and legal persons within economic crimes (typically, corruption, fraud, tax, market crimes, laundering, crimes against industrial and intellectual property), as well as in criminal cases brought against political and public officeholders.
Within the scope of administrative proceedings, the team’s experience covers all regulated sectors, with a special focus on banking and capital markets, health, insurance, environment, real estate, competition, media, etc.
The team has also been developing a relevant activity in cases involving a relationship between criminal and administrative offences, namely within the jurisdiction of the Court of Auditors, as well as good standing investigations conducted by the Bank of Portugal, and procedures governed by the General Labour Law for Public Administration.
Aware that European and national legislation has been increasing pressure on companies to ensure an effective corporate Compliance – with the inherent requirements and growing challenges –, Andersen has registered a strong demand for legal advisory services on Compliance within the most diverse sectors of economic activity, which has allowed the team to be at the forefront of the most important and recent projects in this area. This advice is essentially focused on prevention, providing a tailormade legal assessment for each client in view of regulatory requirements and obligations in order to minimize risks and potential financial, reputational and commercial damages. This assessment covers:
- The creation, implementation, review and monitoring of Compliance programmes;
- The prevention of MLTF and corruption;
- DD within the implementation of internal control systems or in specific transactions;
- Corporate Governance models;
- Training of Managers and Directors, CCO and DPO, and other employees;
- Investigations, internal audits and crisis management;
- Data protection and cybersecurity.
Responsável: Tiago Ponces de Carvalho